The 2013's Ad Limina Report about the Netherlands

Here you will find the public part of the general report on the Catholic Church in the Netherlands that will be presented by our Bishops to Pope Francis during the ad limina visit that will take place from 2 to 7 December. The document gives an overview of the state of the Church in the Netherlands, and some of the ongoing developments that dictate current policy and trends. Below you will find also some commentaries.

Dutch: Ad Liminarapport Nederlandse Bisschoppenconferentie 2013
English (transl. Mark de Vries): The General Report for the Ad Limina – the first partthe portfolios


Frans Wijnands (Friesch Dagblad):
Katholiek Nederland lijkt op een woestijnlandschap

Robin de Wever (Trouw):
Bisschoppen hebben vertrouwen in 'de overgebleven katholieken'

Reformatorisch Dagblad:
RKK: Laat kerken centra van levend geloof zijn

Frank Bosman:
Ad liminarapport: krimpende kerk in ombouw


Studentengroet aan de Paus
